Monday, April 2, 2007

Rejuvenation Engineering

Rejuvenation Engineering is the Second Life (SL) virtual Reality (VR) simulation of the real life (RL) problem of reversing aging, and application of engineering/science toward it's solution.

Here I am in SL watching a 2 minute slide presentation on Dr. Aubrey de Grey of Cambridge University, the Biomedical Gerontology theorist whose Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) is the detailed plan for the scientific conquest of aging and death that is the basis for Rejuvenation Engineering

There are also teleports (TP) to other points of interest in the Rejuvenation Engineering Complex. Here is the SLURL (Second Life Universal Resource Locator) to Rejuvenation Engineering. It requires signing up for a free Second Life membership. If you do decide to stop by, it should be quite an adventure, send me an instant message (IM) and I'll see that you get a t-shirt and the nickel tour.

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