Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Perfect Rejuvenation Engineering Techniques In Mice First

We will perfect these anti-aging techniques in mice in about 10 years; scientists and the general public will then want to engineer rejuvenation for humans too.

Klotho at Gene Pool Science Exhibits (click to enlarge)

The Methuselah Mouse Prize (MPrize), is the premiere effort of the Methuselah Foundation and is being offered to the scientific research team who develops the longest living Mus musculus, the breed of mouse most commonly used in scientific research. Developing interventions which work in mice is a critical precursor to the development of human anti-aging techniques, for once it is demonstrated that aging in mice can be effectively delayed or reversed, popular attitudes towards aging as 'inevitable' will no longer be possible. When aging in mice is shown to be 'treatable' the funding necessary for a full-line assault on the aging process will be made available. This is the true power of the Methuselah Mouse Prize, to demonstrate a proof of principle, and give hope to the world that decline in function and age-related disease are no longer guarantees, for us, or for future generations, if we work together now.

Monday, April 2, 2007

7 Deadly Things

Dr. Aubrey de Grey states that there are 7 DeadlyThings which are killing us as we age. They are damage inside and outside of our cells which must be removed if we are to survive. Rejuvenation Engineering is creating exhibits to educate the public about de Grey's 7 Deadly Things.

Rejuvenation Engineering

Rejuvenation Engineering is the Second Life (SL) virtual Reality (VR) simulation of the real life (RL) problem of reversing aging, and application of engineering/science toward it's solution.

Here I am in SL watching a 2 minute slide presentation on Dr. Aubrey de Grey of Cambridge University, the Biomedical Gerontology theorist whose Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) is the detailed plan for the scientific conquest of aging and death that is the basis for Rejuvenation Engineering

There are also teleports (TP) to other points of interest in the Rejuvenation Engineering Complex. Here is the SLURL (Second Life Universal Resource Locator) to Rejuvenation Engineering. It requires signing up for a free Second Life membership. If you do decide to stop by, it should be quite an adventure, send me an instant message (IM) and I'll see that you get a t-shirt and the nickel tour.

Hi...I'm Klotho Enzyme

You may remember me from Klotho Comix where I was a merc...

The story unfolds in a staff meeting at VooDoo Extreme magazine where I was employed as writer...